The IRS recently updated their Tax Cuts & Jobs Act guide which outlines qualifying advertising and business related expenses. The full list is available in 56 page IRS Form 535 Business  Expenses, for use in preparing 2019 returns.

I have outlined the expenses I found helpful to know about, especially as the owner of a small business. Please refer to IRS Form 535 for the full details. Additionally, the nonprofit, SCORE, is a good resource for digging deeper on this and other related issues for business owners.

  • Business Use of Your Home
  • Advertising
  • Education
  • Web/App Design and/or Development
  • Print Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
    • Google Ads
    • Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Ads
    • Display Banner Ads
    • Influencer Ads
    • Email Marketing
  • Newspaper, Magazine, TV, and Radio Ads


I write about topics that matter to my business, and my clients’, as well as related things that may be of interest, even if they are on the periphery.
